Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Top 10 Must Read Books

Top 10 Ways Aliens Can Get Found on Earth

There have been rumors of aliens visiting Earth from another planet or body of the universe. While we may not know the origin of these species, the real question is usually, “how do aliens arrive on earth?” Travelling from one star to the next is anything but easy. The fastest rocket can take 73,000 years to journey from earth to the nearest star. So what are the best ways for aliens to get on earth? Take a look at these ten ways.


10. Einstein’s loophole


After a number of experiments and equations, Albert Einstein discovered that nothing could travel faster than light. He also said that the shortest distance between any two given distances is via a straight line joining them. Real aliens on earth proof have led other scientists to believe in the theory of a wormhole. This analogy resembles a hole poked between a folded sheet of paper. Aliens could be travelling here through such a wormhole therefore taking a shorter period of time than normal journey through straight lines.

9. Aliens may be living closer to home


Aliens on earth proof have also caused many scientists to believe that aliens are far advanced in the issues of technology. This advancement in technology allows them to travel faster through space. Apart from good tech, aliens may be living within our solar system so that coming here takes a shorter time. This too, is one of the best ways for aliens to get on earth.

8. Inter-dimensional beings


This is yet another famous theory concerning real aliens on earth proof. It speculates that aliens are some sort of beings from a totally different dimension. The famous UFO researcher Jacque Vallee brought forth this theory saying aliens tend to appear and disappear during abduction cases here on earth.

7. Aliens have always been with us


While we are busy looking for some of the best ways for aliens to get on earth, could it be that these foreign beings have been amongst us since forever? Aliens on earth proof have caused us to ask this question because once in a while, we hear reports of jets chasing after aliens only for them to disappear under water never to be seen again. There may be an undiscovered world here in our planet inhabited by aliens.

6. Better technology


As mentioned earlier, aliens have been rumored to have better tech than humans on earth. The fastest equipment here cannot travel faster than light. Real aliens on earth proof make us to believe the truth of this theory.

5. Hitched rides


Carl Sagan, a science writer advocated aliens could have travelled here via interstellar comets that orbit the sun from time to time. According to him, aliens hold on to these big balls of ice and rock as they move along towards earth. As expected, before they reach here to colonize earth, it will be another millions of years. This too adds on the list of the best ways for aliens to get on earth.

4. There is no distance between space and earth but rather time difference


Some people have speculated that space between galaxies doesn’t exist physically but rather based on time difference. If one needed to travel from space to earth, distance was not really at play but time instead. Since time could be speeded or dragged, aliens on earth proof have estimated that aliens have the power to come here anytime they please.

3. Aliens belonged to earth before we did


A few people have also pointed out another interesting theory based on real aliens on earth proof. They advocate that aliens were here long before we ever existed. They are hence from the future while we are the present owners of the planet.

2. Earth is linked to other domes

Aliens on earth proof speculate that our planet could be interlinked to a number of others inhabited by aliens. The link may be undiscovered by now using the technology we have. Aliens could be easily travelling through the domes as they desire, of course using their high tech travelling gadgets.

1. Black hole technology


This is without doubt the top entry on our list of best ways for aliens to get on earth. This theory states that aliens have been in the universe for a really long time that they have devised a way to create black holes and use them to get from one point to the other. These real aliens on earth proof almost come close to explaining this mysterious topic of aliens travel.

So there you have it- a detailed article based on aliens on earth proof. We hope one of these days the facts will be laid out bare for the world. As we wait for that moment, we will educate ourselves with the available theories. Well, thank you for staying with us to the end. Browse this website for more interesting reads.

Top 10 Must Read Books

Top 10 Life Changing Books


You may read for fun, out of curiosity or to learn new things. As you read, sometimes you’ll come across life changing books in unexpected places. These books may teach you a lesson. Sometimes they may articulate your own feelings with surprising accuracy. When you’re in a dark place, some books can point you in a different direction. Here are ten of the best life-changing books that you might want to pick up this weekend.

10. Harper Lee’s – To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960


This novel is old, recommended again and again, and the only book of fiction on this list. But we had to include it among the best life-changing books, because Atticus Finch is one of the noblest characters that any novelist has ever created. No other pretentious exploration on how to be a good person can match the effect that this book may have had on millions of people around the world. You can buy the paperback from Amazon at $5.89.

9. Stephen R. Covey’s – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 1989


This book is a manual for business leaders and among the world’s best life-changing books. But really, anyone can learn from Stephen Covey’s advice on getting things done. The book was a mega-hit when it came out. Millions of young entrepreneurs around the world, lost and hungry to give a framework to their dreams, have thumbed its pages.
Today, it may seem a little dated: Covey is essentially telling you to get off Facebook and take steps towards your goals. But one tool I carry with me even today is the 2X2 matrix to prioritize tasks to organize each week around. You can buy the paperback on Amazon for $10.57.

8. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s – Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990


This is a fascinating book that confirms something that you may have suspected all along. That the optimal experiences of our lives don’t come from weekends and vacations. Those are only pauses for recharge. It’s only when we are are giving our all in pursuing meaningful goals we’ve set ourselves, that we are in the ‘flow’. It is also when we are happiest. But it’s not always easy maintaining that flow. This book teaches you how you can channel it, and makes it one of the best life-changing books to read. The classic is available on Amazon for a steal of $2.99.

7. Tal Ben-Shahar’s – Happier, 2007


is a book of stories, anecdotes, wisdom and research by a psychologist from Harvard. If you want to learn practical tips to find happiness in everyday life, this is one of the life changing books that will help you. It doesn’t teach you impractical philosophies, but about little changes that you can make in your life to be happier. Amazon is offering the paperback for $6.81.

6.Viktor Frankl’s – Man’s Search for Meaning,1946


Have you ever wondered how the prisoners in concentration camps got through each day? How do they reconcile to their situation in their minds? The author gives us a first-hand account of such an experience. What makes the book one among the top life changing books is the questions that Frankl explores. What kind of a person does a prisoner become? This book was written more than fifty years ago. But it’s brilliant because it’s still relevant (it has sold 10 million copies). It will tell you things about humanity and survival that may change the way you think. You can buy the beautiful hardcover gift edition on Amazon starting at $14.35.

5. Ta-Nehisi Coates’ – Between the World and Me, 2015


This is not an easy book to read. Nor is it a classic (it was recently released), or without flaws. It is inspired by a classic – James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time. Like the inspiration, it starts with a letter to a young black boy. But Coates’ view of the present black position in America is bleak. He tells his son plainly that in America, it is heritage to destroy the black body. Yet like Baldwin, he urges his son to struggle against it.
In a way, the book is powerful because it is a rare book about racism that is not written for white people. If you read it open-mindedly, and ask yourself the tough questions that Coates raises, the book may change your perspective on how you see other people. You can get the paperback on Amazon for $9.59.

4. James Allen’s – As a Man Thinketh, 1903


This short work is profound and powerful, and deserves to feature along with other life changing books. You’ll be able to read through it in a couple of hours, and come away with simple but important ideas on the power of thought to change your life. Get the 21st century edition of the book for $5.99 on Amazon.

3. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s – Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, 2017


This excellent book is written as a letter to a friend on how to bring up her daughter a feminist. But anyone can read this book – fathers, sons, daughters too. The best-selling novelist has the right idea of equality in the 21st century between men and women. The points she makes are easy to follow, if we can only follow them. And if we do, this book can become one of the life changing books we treasure forever. The hardcover format is available on Amazon for $10.53.

2. Nina Riggs’– The Bright Hour: A Memoir of Living and Dying, 2017


The Bright Hour
is one of those witty, moving and bittersweet books that will change your life. It is the autobiography of a dying mum, after she has learned that she is dying of breast cancer. The ‘cancer’ book could clearly have become a tearjerker – and it does draw tears though never gratuitously. But it’s a beautiful, pragmatic, humorously written meditation on life and death. Riggs’ language is poetic and evocative. She was a poet after all, and a direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson. You can read the hardcover from Amazon at $15.72.

1. Malcolm Gladwell’s – The Outliers


This is another of those books that will change your life, if you let it. It is a book about ordinary people who achieve success. It will make you think about your own situation. Hopefully, it will inspire you to keep going! Get it on Amazon for $10.29.
We hope you find something that you enjoy on this list. Some are modern classics. But we’ve also slipped in a few recent releases that we think have the potential to become books that will change your life.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Horror Movie News

Top 10 Haunted Stories Resulted in Heart Attack


Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, you cannot ignore the fact that some haunted stories resulted in heart attack. Whether or not the haunting is real, if the conditions are right, some seriously scary haunted stories can fire the fight or flight instincts of many skeptics.
Whether or not you believe a spirit can haunt a doll, you probably would jump if you came across a blonde haired, blue-eyed one that looked too human.
The terrifying haunted stories in our list may do nothing but play on our fears of the unknown. But they are certainly scary. Read on!

10. Haunted Doll


Watch the video
link above if you dare. It is the video of a doll with golden hair and blue eyes. The story of this supposedly possessed doll Peggy is one of the terrifying haunted stories to come out of the UK. It allegedly gave a woman a heart attack.
Other people have reported symptoms of nausea, chest pain, and cold spots after seeing the video or photos of the doll. Is this one of the seriously scary haunted stories you’ve seen since Annabelle?

9. Joshua Ward House


The Joshua Ward House in Salem, Massachusettes, is said to be haunted by a curse dating back to the Salem Witch Trials of the 17th century. George Corwin, ‘The Strangler’, an ex-sheriff who sentenced Giles Corey to death, laid the foundations of the house. He died of a heart attack in it, succumbing to Corey’s curse. So did other sheriffs who were cursed by Corey.
A wealthy sea merchant named Joshua Ward later built over Corwin’s house. They say the ghosts of Corey and others Corwin had killed still live there. Whether the curse or fear from the haunted stories resulted in heart attack is up to you to decide.

8. Disney’s Haunted Mansion


There are some terrifying haunted stories associated with Disney’s popular Haunted Mansion ride. Today the ride is quite tame compared to some of the scares awaiting visitors inside when it opened first. There’s a story that a guest suffered a heart attack right after the ride opened, so the park authorities closed the ride and revamped it.
Haunted Mansion employees talk about props that move and hair ribbons that untie on their own. The behind-the-scenes room at the Mansion has led to some seriously scary haunted stories that keep the staff away.

7. Ohio Haunted House


This story is a sad one. But it is also one of the terrifying haunted stories that may or may not have something to do with the supernatural. A young girl suffering from a heart disease died inside the Land of Illusion Haunted Scream Park in Ohio. Doctors aren’t sure if fear caused the heart attack, or if it was something else.

6. The Haunting of Shirley Jackson


One of America’s eeriest authors Shirley Jackson wrote some seriously scary haunted stories in the mid-nineties. One of her stories became the creepy Hollywood movie The Haunting. Jackson herself kept over six black cats and drew black crayon marks around her new house to ward off demons. What was it that caused her own heart attack at the age of fifty? This mysterious writer carried the things that haunted her right to her grave.

5. Joan Vollmer’s Possession


One of Australia’s most terrifying ‘haunted’ stories is that of Joan Vollmer. The 49-year-old housewife lived with her husband Ralph in an isolated house in the Australian outback town of Antwerp. Convinced that demons possessed Joan, her husband tied her to her bed, called the neighbors, and carried out an exorcism over a few days in January 1993. The exorcists deprived Joan of food, wrapped the house in cling film, sat on her stomach and tried to push the demons out from her mouth until she died. Local kids still dare each other to enter the uninhabited house as a rite of passage.

4. Paralysis from Paranormal Activity


If some haunted stories resulted in heart attack, it’s not surprising that Paranormal Activity has been causing panic attacks in Italy. In one case, a 14-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital because she was in a state of paralysis after having watched the horror movie. Is this simply coincidence?

3. The Capitol Cat Hauntings


Nearly every historic building has its ghosts, and the Capitol is no different. One of the seriously scary haunted stories set in the Washington building is that of a demon cat. In the past, cats were brought in to kill mice, and the Demon Cat never left. It appears when the country is in a crisis and grows enormous before disappearing. These Demon cat-related haunted stories resulted in a heart attack; the victim is said to have been a guard. Another guard fired at the cat before it disappeared. The cat was last seen in the 1940s.

2. The Durand Ghost


The small town of Durand in Michigan has an unnamed house where a man is said to have had a heart attack on a snowy day, clinging to the side door. Since then, the inhabitants of the house have experienced uneasiness, scratching at the side door and heavy objects ripped from their place. Is it a classic case of haunting or all psychologically explainable?

1. The Poltergeist Curse


The Poltergeist series of movies have scared us silly for decades. But did you know about the Poltergeist Curse?

In the six years between the filming of the first and third films, two people related to the movie died. The first was 12-year-old Heather O’Rourke, who played Carol Ann in all three films. She died of a heart attack four months before Poltergeist III was released. Dominique Dunne, who played O’Rourke’s older sister was strangled by her ex-boyfriend five months before the release.

Many such haunted stories resulted in heart attack. Is it possible to die simply of fright? Scientists don’t have any proof because all cases that point to death from fear have also involved some underlying heart problems.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Latest Political News Today

Top 10 Inspiration Acts Amidst Demonetization in India

In 20:00 Indian Standard Time on November 8 2016, Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India, made a shocking announcement in which he informed people that banknotes with the nominal value of 500 and 1,000 rupees (about $7.5 and $15 respectively) will lose validity at midnight of the very same day. This completely unexpected move threw more than a billion people country into a chaos as the India is still very cash-dependent. He also set the 50-day period for the Exchange of old banknotes for the new series. However, it became clear very soon that the whole operation has serious bottlenecks among which the cash-shortage was the most serious one. Indian currency demonetization was making headlines all around the world at a time as people of India desperately tried to save their money standing in incredibly long queues, where even several deaths were reported. However, there were people who were able to hold the human face and reports of the inspiring acts of kindness can be the right example for us all. This is a list of few of them.


10. Mobile ATMs


As people were standing deadly queues for their money in front of banks and ATMs, general manager of the Canara Bank have decided to activate mobile ATMs to relieve the situation at least for a bit. As this was his own initiative, the credit goes to him and we can consider this as the first inspiration acts about demonetization – even when there was no pressure on the bank to do it, they decided to do a good thing.
9. #HumansofDemonetization


#HumansofDemonetization is a hashtag for the initiative goal of which was to document the course of the process of demonetization in India and it consequences because it will be interesting for the future generations of politicians and common people as well. The truth is that every recorded story or a photo taken is inspiring. For us, the initiative itself is also an inspiration – to think for the good of future generations amidst chaos.
8. Vegetables for the people in queues


For most of the people, endless waiting in the long queues in front of banks or ATMs was inevitable. Such a waiting can easily turn into a nightmare. Fortunately, several farmers decided like those in Jaipur and Chomu districts have decided to distribute their vegetables freely to the waiting people. Inspiration acts about demonetization in India at its best!

7. Supplying water


Standing in a queue for hours is not only uncomfortable, it can be also dangerous and in some special cases even life-threatening. Therefore we must appreciate all of those good people who were distributing water to the waiting people during the process of the demonetization in India.

6. Helping those without bank account and ID

Helping those without bank account and ID

Especially among the poorest, there is still a lot of people who don´t have a bank account or any official prove of identity. They are solely cash dependent and the Indian currency demonetization was a disaster which left them even without the chance of getting food. That´s why some people were trying hard to collect food from restaurants and shops and provide it to them.

5. Information campaign


This is quite similar to the previous item, a mass of people don´t have the access to the media and because of the lack of education, they were not able to understand what is going on. Groups of volunteers were patiently conducting an information campaign through which they helped a lot of people to save their so much needed money. This is was really important and it must be included among inspiration acts about Demonetization.

4. Dedicated bank employees

Dedicated bank employees

Not only the standing in incredibly long queues but also the dispatching of the endless stream of people was a very exacting task. Bank workers deserve respect as well and their will to work overtime is one of the inspiration acts about demonetization in India.

3. Helping hands given by the companies


Not only individuals and non-profit organizations were helping crowds and bank workers. There were also companies which decided to forget about profit and provided food and drinks for the people. By such actions, they helped the Indian currency demonetization to go more smoothly.

2. Sikh community


1. Indian people

Indian people

At the top spot of our list, we have decided to put all the Indian people who handled such an extraordinary situation very well and they deserve our respect. Demonetization or any other form of extensive currency reform always send disturbing waves to the economy and society and the process is usually very frustrating to all the people. Indian currency demonetization was of no difference.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Top 10 Health Tips

Top 10 Most Useful Herbs for Good Health


Herbs are good for you. We’ve known this for centuries. Herbalists and ancient apothecaries have been using herbs for hundreds of years to cure illnesses. These days we rely more on pharmaceutical drugs to heal us, and use herbs for flavoring our food. But really, give these healthy herbs a try the next time you’re feeling unwell, and you might be impressed by their healing powers.

What are herbs, though? Simply put, they are any plants where the flowers, seeds or leaves are used for their flavor, medicinal value or scent.

Here are ten of the best herbs to take daily. You could put them in your food or take capsules filled with their concentrates. But don’t ignore these useful herbs for good health. You could even grow some quite easily in your kitchen garden!



We’re all familiar with these yellow flowers. The farmers in the northern hemisphere treat dandelions like weeds. The young leaves make delicious salads and sandwiches, or you can boil them like you would spinach.

But what makes dandelion one of the best herbs to take daily is its excellent digestive properties. It’s a mild diuretic. This makes it great for improving any issues in your gastrointestinal tract. You could use any part of the herb and make a dish, a tincture, infusion or honey to improve your gall bladder and liver function. It’s also generally safe and easy to find.


In the 14th century, rosemary root was steeped in wine vinegar. This solution was used to wash the feet of a thief to sap him of his strength and tendencies to steal! Whether or not this actually worked – and whether the thief would actually allow anyone to wash his feet – isn’t known.

What we know about rosemary today is that it’s great for indigestion, killing some pathogens that come through food, and may prevent breast cancer. These are excellent reasons to include this wonder-herb in your diet. It’s one of the most useful herbs for good health, and it makes meat taste great!


In the past, people would hang bunches of chives from the doorway to drive away evil. It’s not certain whether it usually worked. But today, scientists think chives may be great at lowering the risk of gastric cancer.

Chives make a delicious garlicky or onion-flavored garnish on your baked potatoes, in pasta, salads and even in cooked recipes. It’s one of those fantastic healthy herbs we should eat more of than we probably do!

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is not fun to touch. Its fine hairs can release a chemical that can cause a very painful reaction. But it’s also a very useful little herb. Cooking kills the sting, so the leaves are great for soup or nettle tea. Steamed nettles are delicious topped with sesame seeds and vinegar.

You can drink nettle tea everyday as a tonic, and you’ll find it is good for treating joint pain. It’s a good diuretic, so it’s used to treat urinary problems linked to urinary tract infections and an enlarged prostate. It’s good for treating hay fever too.



You probably shouldn’t eat garlic before a date. But it’s one of the best herbs to take daily. (Did you think garlic wasn’t a herb?) Garlic has mild anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in flavanoids. Flavanoids help you boost your immune system. Studies suggest that garlic may protect you against heart attacks and strokes. It has the capacity to lower bad cholesterol. Now if only it didn’t leave such a strong scent in the mouth!


Many of us love delicious, sweet cinnamon in our ice creams, apple pies and cinnamon toast. But did you know that this ‘herb’ can help you stabilize blood sugar? Some studies suggest that taking cinnamon daily – up to about a teaspoon a day – may help people who have type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels after meals. Maybe you could replace sugar with cinnamon in your desserts altogether for its anti-diabetic goodness.


Turmeric spice as you know it is derived from a herby root tuber that looks like ginger. It is also one of the best herbs to take daily. The Indians cook with it, and use the paste to help heal wounds. It is also made into a tea for use against colds and problems in the respiratory tract.

As for its benefits, there is some suggestion that the curcumin found in turmeric is actually anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It can help to relieve arthritic pain. It can also keep the pain away after a dentist’s visit! It might be good against Alzheimer’s, diabetes and maybe even some cancers!



Ginger is one of the most useful herbs for good health. And you can see the results quickly too. Have an unsettled stomach? Chew a bit of ginger or drink some ginger tea. This herb is also great for dealing with nausea after chemotherapy or surgery. It’s also great for fighting inflammation, soothing sore muscles and reducing the pain caused by osteoarthritis. It’s one of the healthy herbs you can take daily – even capsules will do. If you exercise regularly, you’ll find daily ginger in your food actually reduces the aches from sore muscles!


Parsley is another herb with many stories revolving around it. It used to be called the Devil’s Herb, apparently because the seed went to the Devil and returned nine times before it sprouted. If you grew it in your cottage garden, people would be afraid of you! Parsley was often linked with death, and used to decorate tombs.

Today we use it to flavor our soups, salads, meats, and it’s a fantastic little herb. There is some research to suggest that parsley may inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Experts suggest adding a pinch of the chopped leaves everyday to your meal everyday. It may also be good against hypertension.

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves add a delicious flavor to stews, especially in stews prescribed for colds. This is because a compound called cineole present in bayleaf is good for clearing up your sinus. (So, breathe in the stew before you eat!). Bay leaves may also be good for treating arthritis, preventing heart disease and boosting the immune system.

What do you think of our list of useful herbs for good health? Do you think we’ve missed any healthy herbs that should have been on this list? Let us know below!